Air Conditioning Unit Installation Guide

1 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog


The air conditioning unit is crucial in keeping your HVAC system running smoothly, especially during the hot summer. Without it, your home or office could become unbearably hot and uncomfortable. The AC unit removes moisture and heat from the air, creating a cool and dry environment for you to enjoy. It's important to ensure that the AC unit is properly installed and maintained for optimal performance. Regular AC repair and maintenance can also help prevent potential issues such as mold growth or frozen coils, ensuring that your AC runs smoothly. If you are planning to install a new AC, here are some important factors to consider.

Energy efficiency

Not only does a more efficient unit help save money on monthly energy bills, but it also helps to reduce your overall carbon footprint. One way to determine the energy efficiency of an AC unit is by its SEER rating — the higher the number, the more efficiently the unit operates. In addition to looking for a high SEER rating, there are also steps you can take during installation to ensure maximum energy efficiency. This includes properly insulating ductwork and keeping your air conditioning unit clear of obstructions and debris that can impact performance. Ultimately, keeping your home energy efficient saves money and benefits the environment. Taking the time to consider energy efficiency during AC installation can pay off in the long run.

Get the Size Right

An air conditioning unit that is too small won't be able to adequately cool a space, leading to frustration and wasted energy. On the other hand, a unit that is too large will have an excessive cooling capacity, leading to frequent on-and-off cycles and higher energy costs. That's why it's important to have an expert assess the size needs of your specific space. Factors such as the size and layout of the room, roof insulation, windows, and lifestyle habits all play a role in determining the appropriate size for an AC unit. Taking these factors into account can save time and money in the long run. When in doubt, always consult a professional for expert advice on selecting the right size for your AC unit.

Identify the Most Suitable Location

When installing a new air conditioning unit, it's important to consider where to place the AC unit and thermostat. The AC unit should be placed where it has access to proper ventilation and where it will not be obstructed by furniture or other objects. On the other hand, the thermostat should be placed where it can accurately gauge the room's temperature, usually near an interior wall that is not directly exposed to heat sources or drafty areas. Installing the AC unit and thermostat in a strategic location can ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

For more information on AC installation, contact a professional near you.