4 Signs Your Home's Boiler May Need To Be Repaired

7 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Many homes rely on boilers, which utilize hot water and steam to heat a residence, to stay warm during the winter months. Like any major appliance in a home, as a boiler ages, it may stop working properly and need to be repaired. Knowing the signs of common boiler problems can ensure that you can quickly arrange for repairs to be made. Some signs that your boiler may need to be repaired include:

Increase in Your Gas Bill

In the majority of cases, boilers are powered by natural gas. During the cold months when you run your boiler, pay close attention to your monthly gas bills. If your boiler is not working efficiently, it may run more than it needs to, meaning that it will consume a lot more natural gas than normal. A gas bill that is noticeably higher than the norm despite no increases in prices by your gas company may indicate that it is time to have your boiler looked at by a certified HVAC technician.

Yellow Flame

The pilot light on a boiler needs to be lit to utilize the natural gas being supplied. It is a good idea to check the pilot light on a regular basis during the months you run your boiler. The flame of the pilot light should be blue-- if the flame is yellow in color, this typically signifies the presence of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas; extended exposure can cause breathing problems, as well as dizziness, nausea, and headaches. If a carbon monoxide leak is large enough, exposure can be fatal. 

Odd Sounds

After living in a home for a while, you tend to get a good idea of what your appliances sound like when they are running. While a boiler typically makes some sounds during operation, you should not ignore strange sounds that are much different than how the boiler usually sounds. Components inside the boiler can break down over time, which can lead to odd sounds. The sooner you have your boiler repaired, the less likely it will fail completely.

Inefficient Heating

A boiler in good repair should be able to heat up a home in a timely manner. If your home's boiler is noticeably slow to warm up or cant efficiently heat your home like it used to, this is a sign that there is something wrong with it. It is not recommended to try to fix a faulty boiler on your own-- always call a professional. 

Contact a company like Rickett Industrial Environmental Systems for more information and assistance.