Things To Consider When Getting A New Air Conditioner

10 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Air conditioners are essential for keeping indoor temperatures comfortable whenever it begins to heat up outside. Throughout much of the country, air conditioners are a must inside the home. Like many appliances throughout the home, air conditioners do have a lifespan. The average air conditioner will run for about 15 to 20 years before needing to be replaced. If it's time for a replacement, there are a few things to consider before purchasing a new air conditioning system:


Air conditioning installation can be expensive. The average range for a new air conditioning unit is between $3,712 and $7,157. The size of the home plays a large role in how expensive the new air conditioner will be. Prices can also vary greatly depending on the brand of the air conditioner. Before making a decision it's important to come up with a budget. Getting quotes from multiple professional installers is also a good idea. Consulting with a professional can also help homeowners determine what their cooling needs are and which systems will best suit those needs.

Energy Efficiency

Today's air conditioners are far more energy efficient than the models from more than a decade ago. When getting a new air conditioner, energy efficiency should be a feature that is considered carefully. An energy efficient air conditioner cools without working as hard and can have a big impact on energy bills. If an air conditioner is run year-round, energy efficient models are a great option. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating, or SEER number, is a good proxy for how energy efficient the air conditioner. The higher the number, the more energy efficient the unit is. The highest SEER number is 25, while the minimum is either 13 or 14.   


Replacing filters whenever they become dirty is a key part of maintenance that many homeowners are aware of. However, there is more to maintaining an air conditioner than just switching out filters. Other maintenance such as cleaning out the evaporator and condenser coils, combing coil fins, flushing out clogged drains, checking electrical connections, and more are all best left to the professionals. When getting a new air conditioner installed it's also important to know how much maintenance will be needed at to set up a schedule with a certified technician. The average cost of yearly air conditioner maintenance runs between $100 and $150.

Purchasing a new air conditioner can make a big difference in how cool a home can get. When looking into a new system it's important to have a budget in mind and to consult with the professionals to find the best system for the home's cooling needs. Energy efficiency and the amount of required maintenance are also things that should be considered carefully.